Service Providers

Create quizzes to offer personalized solutions

Service providers use quizzes to determine which service or level of service is right for the quiz taker and offer a personalized solution for every potential customer based on their preferences and needs.

Elizabeth McCravy

Elizabeth McCravy

Website Designer

Take Quiz

Website Personality Quiz

Take Quiz
The Sorority Nutritionist

The Sorority Nutritionist


Take Quiz

Why is your weight loss a hot mess?!

Take Quiz


Real Estate

Take Quiz

Is Living In Hawaii Right For You?

Take Quiz
Jessica Baum

Jessica Baum

Relationship Coach

Take Quiz

Let's Find Out Your Attachment Style.

Take Quiz


Offer solutions to potential clients

Imagine if you could talk to every single person who is interested in your services, and ask them questions to determine how you can be most helpful to them. That's what you can re-create with a services quiz.



Ask personalized questions to meet customer needs

You can create a quiz that helps your potential customers discover how you can help them, but in a way that makes your customer the center of attention. You ask them questions about their preferences and needs as it relates to your services.



Demonstrate your understanding of your customers

You can demonstrate your understanding of your customers by asking questions that line up with what they are already thinking about.



Build customer relationships through email

Your quiz can ask for email addresses from quiz takers so you can not only recommend the right services for now, but also build customer relationships through email for future sales.



Offer personalized service recommendations

Every quiz you create can offer a personalized solution that includes your services as part of what you recommend for the quiz taker. You can frame your service in context of the specific needs and preferences of the quiz taker.


Trusted by leading businesses

Gretchen Rubin
Jenna Kutcher Logo
Melyssa Griffin Logo
Lush Logo

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