What’s your wow-worthy workplace persona?

Gain insight into how your coworkers see you + reignite your workplace passion! The next phase of your career starts... NOW!

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What’s your wow-worthy workplace persona?

Gain insight into how your coworkers see you + reignite your workplace passion! The next phase of your career starts... NOW!

Take The Quiz

What song is most likely to get stuck in your head?

Blinding Lights by The Weeknd — I'm a big fan of 80's synth and totally get The Weeknd's lone wolf persona.


Rain On Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande — How could you not love it! It's so fun and danceable...


Don't Start Now by Due Lipa — It basically articulates 95% of my thoughts at work. 


Toosie Slide by Drake — This song is so catchy and laid-back!


1 / 10

 A co-worker ‘accidentally’ eats the crisp green apple you packed for a coffee-break pick-me-up. What’s your move?

I ‘accidentally’ eat the homemade sandwich they brought for lunch.


Who cares? It’s just an apple...


I don’t say anything — but make sure to give them stink eye. 


I light-heartedly tease them for being a snack thief.


2 / 10

What does your ideal office look like?

Lots of light and open space. Definitely a soothing vibe...


Somewhere a bit isolated, so I can focus without my coworkers distracting me.


Close-quarters + shared desks. I can't get anything done without my coworkers' input.


A private office with an amazing view. I deserve time + space to think my brilliant thoughts.


3 / 10

What’s the vibe at your current job?

Think Dragon’s Den — except it’s an actual dragon’s den, and everything’s on fire.


 Honestly, I’m kind of oblivious. I keep mostly to myself.


It’s pretty mellow. And if conflict does arise, I’m there to deescalate the sitch ASAP.


It’s super fun — I love chatting-up my coworkers... Sometimes more than actually working.


4 / 10

What’s your water-cooler small talk type?

I want to know everything—people fascinate me. I’m more of a listener than a talker, though.


I’m a little loud. It’s not my fault if I have great stories and know how to tell them.


Not going to lie, there’s a fair chance I’m arguing with someone...


Um, small talk isn’t really (or at all) my thing.


5 / 10

A happy workplace is a productive workplace?

You bet!


Not necessarily...


6 / 10

Which celeb relationship best describes your relationship to work? 

Justin and Hailey Bieber — I'm still in the honeymoon phase!


Beyoncé and Jay-Z — I'm part of a power couple... With some underlying issues.


Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes — I don't know how serious it is... But I'm sure having fun!


Kanye and Kanye — I am my work, baby. I carry all of my coworkers... And basically run the place.


7 / 10

What makes you a workplace superstar?

My decisive leadership style—I’m great and giving clear direction.


How my enthusiastic, talkative nature excites my co-workers!


Rain or shine, coworkers and customers alike rely on me. I’ve got a solution for everything.


Pure (wo)manpower, baby. I might not be the chattiest, but I get my job done with more speed and precision as a calculator.


8 / 10

What could you stand to do a lil' better?

I could definitely stand to bond a bit more with my coworkers. It might make my job a little more fun.


I mean... I’m already pretty great at everything.


Maybe working more and socializing less. It’s not my fault people are so fun to talk with!


I’d like to be more adaptable — I’m great at my job, but surprises freak me out.


9 / 10

What The Office character resonates with you most?

Kelly — I'm bubbly and always dishing the hottest workplace gossip.


Toby — I'm the unsung hero of my workplace! I solve problems before most realize there even is one.


Jan — O.K. I like to be in charge. I'm great at asking for what I need... Loudly.


Creed — Coworkers mistake me for the janitor... I guess I'm sort of mysterious.


10 / 10

You’re a… Boss With Bold Vision!

You’re a natural leader whose comfort zone is centre stage. Your seemingly unshakable confidence makes you a total asset in biz! While your coworkers weigh pros and cons, you take real action...

You treat your time like it’s precious ‘cause it truly is!

Risk taker, self starter, problem solver — you’ve got a lot going for you. But I don’t have to tell you to be proud, do I? Sometimes your ego has a tendency of rubbing people the wrong way.

Especially when you offer expertise on areas outside your jurisdiction. No sweat, there's a middle-ground between innovation and aggravation. And I’m going to help you (yeah, you!) find it.

“Who you are is speaking so loudly that I can’t hear what you’re saying.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ready To Break Free Of The Biz Faux-Pas Holding You Back? Try These Tricks…

1. Speak and listen in equal parts. Nobody likes to feel unseen. So make sure you’re both giving and receiving enough space. Striking a balance between the two is key to a healthy, inclusive workplace.

2. Recognize your habits. When we get overwhelmed, we tend to overcompensate in whatever area we are most comfortable. If you’re naturally loud, you’ll be louder. If you’re quiet, you’ll be silent.

3. Find value in your coworkers. Everyone has a unique skill set that deserves respect and admiration. Something small as complimenting the accountant on her speedy calculations goes a long way to ensuring workplace harmony.

Who am I to boss you around? Read on...

Hey there, I’m Dex 👋

I’m sort of a whiz-kid when it comes to solving corporate conflicts.

No one exits the workforce unscathed. And I’m no exception...

I’ve seen enough toxic offices to know what makes the good ones tick. Here’s a hint: it’s all about recognizing the intrinsic value of your team.

You spend so much time at work, you want it to be a positive. My mediating services are here to help. Together, let’s find a solution that works for you 🙌

See These Three Steps As Your Instant Workplace Solution!

1. Book a fifteen minute consultation with me. I’m going to craft a custom plan to ease conflict in your office. Get ready to optimize your productivity with a peaceful workplace!

2. Check out my blog Mindful Mediation! I post weekly on topics ranging from personality clashes to cultural-based dissension. I’ve got it covered x2.

3. Join my Facebook group Human Resources Real Talk to chat with international conflict resolution specialists. You’re going to come away knowing a heck of a lot more!

Good on you — taking this quiz is a BIG step in the right direction. I’m going to shoot you an email (or two) to keep your momentum up!

You’re A… Persuasive Powerhouse!

Your enthusiastic optimism makes you a thrill to be around. Coworkers clamber around the water cooler to hear your stories. You’re always ready to talk, talk, talk — and (get this) people actually listen.

You motivate everyone to strive for more. To work harder and accomplish feats they couldn’t have otherwise imagined. + You’re a big time innovator! Your coworkers have problems, and you’ve got solutions…

So what’s the hold-up? Well, you have a slight (or not so slight) tendency to prioritize social-life over work-life. And while your emotionalism is engaging, it can detract from your dependability.

“Speak when you are angry and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” — Dr. Laurence J. Peter

Ready To Break Free Of The Biz Faux-Pas Holding You Back? Try These Tricks...

1. Speak and listen in equal parts. Nobody likes to feel unseen. So make sure you’re both giving and receiving enough space. Striking a balance between the two is key to a healthy, inclusive workplace.

2. Recognize your habits. When we get overwhelmed, we tend to overcompensate in whatever area we are most comfortable If you’re naturally loud, you’ll be louder. If you’re quiet, you’ll be silent.

3. Find value in your coworkers. Everyone has a unique skill set that deserves respect and admiration. Something small as complimenting the accountant on her speedy calculations goes a long way to ensuring workplace harmony.

Who am I to boss you around? Read on…

Hey there, I’m Dex 👋

I’m sort of a whiz-kid when it comes to solving corporate conflicts.

No one exits the workforce unscathed. And I’m no exception...

I’ve seen enough toxic offices to know what makes the good ones tick. Here’s a hint: it’s all about recognizing the intrinsic value of your team.

You spend so much time at work, you want it to be a positive. My mediating services are here to help. Together, let’s find a solution that works for you 🙌

See These Three Steps As Your Instant Workplace Solution!

1. Book a fifteen minute consultation with me. I’m going to craft a custom plan to ease conflict in your office. Get ready to optimize your productivity with a peaceful workplace!

2. Check out my blog Mindful Mediation! I post weekly on topics ranging from personality clashes to cultural-based dissension. I’ve got it covered x2.

3. Join my Facebook group Human Resources Real Talk to chat with international conflict resolution specialists. You’re going to come away knowing a heck of a lot more!

Good on you — taking this quiz is a BIG step in the right direction. I’m going to shoot you an email (or two) to keep your momentum up!

You’re a… Transformational Team Member!

You don’t need the spotlight to shine! You’re reliable and can take direction like it’s nobody’s biz. Your quiet confidence earns the instant respect of even the most stand-offish co-workers.

If there’s a conflict in the office, you’re the go-to mediator. You’re patient and reliable with great taste in pastel sticky notes to boot. You value safety and security…

But sometimes you wonder how far that’ll take you in biz.

You tend to resist radical change. And you need more time than most to adjust. Plus — don’t tear up — you can be a tiny bit sensitive, which makes taking/doling out criticism difficult.

“The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” — Tony Robbins

Ready To Break Free Of The Biz Faux-Pas Holding You Back? Try These Tricks...

1. Speak and listen in equal parts. Nobody likes to feel unseen. So make sure you’re both giving and receiving enough space. Striking a balance between the two is key to a healthy, inclusive workplace.

2. Recognize your habits. When we get overwhelmed, we tend to overcompensate in whatever area we are most comfortable. If you’re naturally loud, you’ll be louder. If you’re quiet, you’ll be silent.

3. Find value in your coworkers. Everyone has a unique skill set that deserves respect and admiration. Something small as complimenting the accountant on her speedy calculations goes a long way to ensuring workplace harmony.

Who am I to boss you around? Read on...

Hey there, I’m Dex 👋

I’m sort of a whiz-kid when it comes to solving corporate conflicts.

No one exits the workforce unscathed. And I’m no exception...

I’ve seen enough toxic offices to know what makes the good ones tick. Here’s a hint: it’s all about recognizing the intrinsic value of your team.

You spend so much time at work, you want it to be a positive. My mediating services are here to help. Together, let’s find a solution that works for you 🙌

See These Three Steps As Your Instant Workplace Solution!

1. Book a fifteen minute consultation with me. I’m going to craft a custom plan to ease conflict in your office. Get ready to optimize your productivity with a peaceful workplace!

2. Check out my blog Mindful Mediation! I post weekly on topics ranging from personality clashes to cultural-based dissension. I’ve got it covered x2.

3. Join my Facebook group Human Resources Real Talk to chat with international conflict resolution specialists. You’re going to come away knowing a heck of a lot more!

Good on you — taking this quiz is a BIG step in the right direction. I’m going to shoot you an email (or two) to keep your momentum up!

You’re a… Determined Dynamo!

You’re as hard a worker as they come! When your coworkers are packing up for the day, you’re just getting started. Like, do you even remember what a lunch break is?

You’re accurate + analytical. Conscientious + careful. And nothing seems to shake you. People trust you for your realism. To outsiders, you’re deeply grounded in the here and now…

But sometimes it doesn’t exactly feel that way. You depend on clear-cut boundaries for a sense of security. When unexpected conflicts come your way, you react with anxiety. And back down to avoid conflict.

It’s okay to speak your mind, friend. Say it loud enough and your coworkers will listen.

“You’ll succeed best when you put the restless, anxious side of affairs out of mind, and allow the restful side to live in your thoughts.” — Margaret Stowe

Ready To Break Free Of The Biz Faux-Pas Holding You Back? Try These Tricks…

1. Speak and listen in equal parts. Nobody likes to feel unseen. So make sure you’re both giving and receiving enough space. Striking a balance between the two is key to a healthy, inclusive workplace.

2. Recognize your habits. When we get overwhelmed, we tend to overcompensate in whatever area we are most comfortable. If you’re naturally loud, you’ll be louder. If you’re quiet, you’ll be silent.

3. Find value in your coworkers. Everyone has a unique skill set that deserves respect and admiration. Something small as complimenting the accountant on her speedy calculations goes a long way to ensuring workplace harmony.

Who am I to boss you around? Read on…

Hey there, I’m Dex 👋

I’m sort of a whiz-kid when it comes to solving corporate conflicts.

No one exits the workforce unscathed. And I’m no exception...

I’ve seen enough toxic offices to know what makes the good ones tick. Here’s a hint: it’s all about recognizing the intrinsic value of your team.

You spend so much time at work, you want it to be a positive. My mediating services are here to help. Together, let’s find a solution that works for you 🙌

See These Three Steps As Your Instant Workplace Solution!

1. Book a fifteen minute consultation with me. I’m going to craft a custom plan to ease conflict in your office. Get ready to optimize your productivity with a peaceful workplace!

2. Check out my blog Mindful Mediation! I post weekly on topics ranging from personality clashes to cultural-based dissension. I’ve got it covered x2.

3. Join my Facebook group Human Resources Real Talk to chat with international conflict resolution specialists. You’re going to come away knowing a heck of a lot more!

Good on you — taking this quiz is a BIG step in the right direction. I’m going to shoot you an email (or two) to keep your momentum up!

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