What is Your Self Care Style?
Find out how well you take care of yourself!
Quiz Transcript
What is Your Self Care Style?
Find out how well you take care of yourself!
How many hours per night do you sleep?
5 or less
8 or more
1 / 6
How many servings of fruit/vegetables do you eat per day?
6 or more
2 / 6
How many days do you exercise per week (at least 30 minutes)?
3 or less
3 - 5
5 or more
3 / 6
How often do you make time to see your friends?
It's been a while
4 / 6
Have you seen your doctor in the last year for a check up?
5 / 6
Do you have healthy ways of coping with stress?
Not really.
I think so, but I could always be better.
Yes, I know when I need to talk and have a healthy support system.
6 / 6
Self Bare
You might feel tired, stressed or lack motivation to put yourself first... we know how you feel - we've been there before!
Try finding a new way to move your body, add 1-2 more servings of fruit or vegetables to your diet, or plan a coffee date with a friend you haven't seen in a while.
Start small! Remember: you're worth the effort!
Self Aware
You do a pretty good job of eating well, moving your body and taking care of yourself but could add a little bit more to your routine - it's okay, a lot of us are right where you are :)
Try making more time for the things you love... Friends, getting outside, mini-vacations. Do the things you love... and do them often!
Self Care Pro
You eat well, exercise and prioritize your life and your health, well done!
Just remember, there's always room for improvement!
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