Caesar Character quiz
Find out which character you are!
Quiz Transcript
Caesar Character quiz
Find out which character you are!
How would you show your love?
Send a cute note
Go into town and get stuff done
Plant a tree
@home tattoo
Make them a treat
1 / 8
How would you treat a friend?
Beg to know about them and things they do
Give them support and stay by their side
Have one foot in and the other out cause who knows if they are a true friend
Let them do your bidding because your'e too busy
With respect but know you may be better
2 / 8
You handle conflict by...
Getting out of there fast
Making a revenge plan
Trying to fix the problem
Changing to the side that's gonna win
Confronting the issue on your terms
3 / 8
You're giving a speech and...
you use props and hand gestures.
you use the comical route cause pathos, duh.
you "meet" all the requirements on the rubric
you ask your friends to laugh every time you say something "funny"
you say tons of things but whats this all really for?
4 / 8
When you're jealous you...
get a new piercing
deny all jealousy
do what feels right
make a plan to solve said jealousy
tell everyone the issue so they can make you feel better
5 / 8
Choose an image that speaks to you
6 / 8
You just lost a game of cards, you...
walk away and never return
beg for a rematch
explain why you should have won
change the rules
accept your loss
7 / 8
How do you celebrate holidays
with ALLLLL my friends
alone, by myself, with snacks
with my close friends and family
presents, for every holiday
decorate the house, door, yard even change my insta name to spooky
8 / 8
Beware the Ides of March
Being the Caesar-ly person you are, you probably have many people who love you but be careful of those who don't! Guess they just hate ya cause they ain't ya. You have potential and ambition but don't let it go to your head because people may try to harm you. Don't be greedy!
Et tu?! ... Brute
Well then, looks like your'e a little wishy washy. How can you be so easily swayed? Next time try to stand your ground, and think about your actions before you act. And maybe check on people who do the most for ya!
Ahhhh Old reliable Antony
Your'e the kind of person who stays by someone through it all. People down play you but dont let them steak your thunder becaus ewhen you have something to say, you can. No matter the obstacles. Use your way with words to inspire people.
Poor Portia
Oof, your'e one nutty bat. Honestly sorry bud, you deserve better but like really? You needa chill. Learn some self control or find new people who don't make you so crazy. Your heart was in the right place but ya just missed it.
So you wanna be a conspirator, Cassius
Looks like your'e a little more Man Behind the Curtain than you thought. You seems to have a way of getting what you want without doing ALL the work. Being a little controlling never hurt but watch yourself, you may take it to far.
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