
Create quizzes to personalize learning

Education institutions use quizzes to create personalized learning pathways for quiz takers by asking about preferences and then recommending courses, majors, or careers for each quiz taker.



Space Agency

Take Quiz

What is your ideal education?

Take Quiz
Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School


Take Quiz

HMX Immunology Quiz

Take Quiz
University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo

Higher Education

Take Quiz

Find your program in the Faculty of Health

Take Quiz
Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum


Take Quiz

What Dinosaur Are You?

Take Quiz


Offer personalized learning pathways

By offering a personalized learning pathway, education institutions are able to individualize their offerings for every person who takes the quiz and make their brand stand out in a unique and meaningful way.



Ask tailored questions to understand your audience

You can ask questions about what the quiz taker prefers, what they enjoy, what their interests are, and more. Broadly speaking you are using the quiz to develop a psychographic profile of the quiz taker. People love taking these quizzes because they are being asked about themselves and are the center of attention.



Recommend personalized offerings

At the end of the quiz you can recommend a course, a major, or a career pathway based on the profile of the person who took your quiz. This is also an opportunity to offer insights about why your institution would be a good fit for this person.


Trusted by leading businesses

Gretchen Rubin
Jenna Kutcher Logo
Melyssa Griffin Logo
Lush Logo

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