
Create quizzes to convert visitors into subscribers

Coaches and use quizzes as lead magnets to engage website visitors/social followers and convert them into email subscribers and buyers.

Jenna Kutcher

Jenna Kutcher


Take Quiz

What's your secret sauce?

Take Quiz
Amy Porterfield

Amy Porterfield


Take Quiz

Replace Your Income With A Digital Course

Take Quiz
Toddlers Can Read

Toddlers Can Read


Take Quiz

How to Help Your Child Become a Better Reader

Take Quiz
Kaye Putnam

Kaye Putnam


Take Quiz

Brand Personality Quiz

Take Quiz


Answers to your audience's burning questions

Your best quiz addresses the most burning questions on your potential customer's minds. Those questions become quizzes that guide each person to an individualized answer.



Show empathy and depth of knowledge

The quiz experience shows your quiz takers that you understand them. You can demonstrate both empathy and a depth of knowledge about them by asking questions that are relevant and personal to their lived experiences.



Convert more leads with personalized content

At the end of the quiz you can ask for the quiz taker's email address to continue the conversation. If you've done a good job of creating a connection throughout the quiz questions then this opt-in form becomes a mere continuation of an already great experience and a huge percentage of people will opt in.



Provide personalized guidance and advice

At the end of the quiz you provide personalized guidance and advice to the quiz taker based on which result they get. Think of this as individualized education just for this person, ranging from next steps they can take to reach their goals, to free resources you have for them, to paid offers that match up with what they are trying to achieve.


Trusted by leading businesses

Gretchen Rubin
Jenna Kutcher Logo
Melyssa Griffin Logo
Lush Logo

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