Interact is all about connecting brands and customers at a human level

Interact team group picture
Red arrow pointing down

Our mission is to empower digital entrepreneurs, creators, and brands just like you to grow your business through empathetic listening, deeper understanding, and true connection.

Every day, we wake up and focus on building tools that take a human-centered approach to digital marketing.

Interact was founded back in 2014 – well before quizzes were hot on social media – because we realized how difficult it was for online marketers to get to know their customers as individual human beings. We wanted to recreate that old school feeling of walking up to a storefront and having an actual conversation with the person running the business. And from that idea, Interact’s quiz builder was born.

We help businesses accelerate conversion rates at every stage of the sales funnel – whether you’re building a quiz to generate more high-quality leads, make recommendations on which products or services will be best suited for your needs, or drive engagement with your community.

Check out what other inspirational entrepreneurs have achieved with Interact since our founding in 2014:


quiz impressions


quizzes completed


lead generated

Damaris Pacheco

Damaris Pacheco
Customer Success

Jesy Nelson

Jesy Nelson
Marketing Ops Manager

Annie Tsai

Annie Tsai

Matthew Clark

Matthew Clark
CTO, Co-Founder

What We Believe

At our core, we believe that our success is entirely dependent on your success. That’s why we take so much pride in supporting our community to become better marketers for their own businesses.

We do this by empathetically understanding our customers’ needs, constantly optimizing our platform, and actively investing in providing ongoing support and training in best practices and strategy.

At Interact, we:

  • Put your interests ahead of company profit, trusting that what’s best for the company will follow
  • Empower our team to be autonomous, make the right calls, and do their jobs well
  • Believe that great ideas come from everywhere regardless of position or status
  • Strive for our company and customers to reflect the diversity of our world
  • Take a “listen and understand first” approach to working together and with our customers

Who We Are

A small and mighty team, Interact is an all-remote US-based company that has been bootstrapped from day one.

What kept us going during those incredibly tough early days of startup life were Chips Ahoy!, instant ramen, and the belief that we were building something that would only become more important as businesses increasingly went online.

Today with over 60,000 customers globally, we wake up every morning thankful to be able to help other entrepreneurs grow your businesses & tell your stories. We love what we do and are super excited to continue innovating for you.

People who are successful here:

  • Do their best work from anywhere
  • Don’t let egos get in the way of great teamwork and collaboration
  • Are comfortable not getting it right the first time
  • Are students for life
  • Represent the world we live in
  • Are collaborators at the core
  • Are obsessed with solving the right problems
Josh Haynam

Josh Haynam
CEO, Co-Founder

Melanie Lew

Melanie Lew
Operations Specialist

Jackie Aguglia

Jackie Aguglia

Evan Nichols

Evan Nichols
Software Engineer

Mia Fitzpatrick

Mia Fitzpatrick
Customer Success

Jessmyn Solana

Jessmyn Solana
Digital Marketing Mgr.

Mark Case

Mark Case
Business Coach

Jared Cooperstein

Jared Cooperstein
Jr. Engineer

Graham Bartlett

Graham Bartlett
Software Engineer

Philip Cressler

Philip Cressler
Software Engineer

How We Work

We are nimble, focus on outcomes, and are experts in our areas. We enjoy collaborating and learning new things from each other all the time, and always, always, always, make decisions with our customers at the center of our "why".

People who are successful here:

  • Take a customer-centric approach to everything
  • Work best autonomously and are not afraid to make the call
  • Celebrate each other's successes
  • Listen and understand first
  • Play zone defense (we work together to solve challenges, not in silos)
  • Are excited to pitch in when our teammates need help

A Message from Josh + Matt,
Interact’s Founders

Interact co-founders, Josh Haynam and Matthew Clark

We started Interact because we saw a big gaping hole right at the heart of online marketing

Effective marketing is all about relationships. It’s about truly connecting with your customers so you can help them find the perfect solutions for their problems.

Y’know? Make their lives better?

Let’s face it, most marketing misses the mark when it comes to making people feel seen and understood. But that’s not your fault. As an online business owner you hardly ever get to have a direct conversation with your clients or customers.

It might even feel like you're flinging your message out there into the void. And you have no idea if it’s connecting with the right people.

In the “real world” you get to know your prospects personally. You can ask them questions about themselves. You develop true empathy towards their needs and aspirations. Which makes it way easier to actually help them reach their goals.

An Interact quiz helps you do the same thing.

And the connection, understanding, and personalized touch you create with your quiz will help you stand out in your industry – so you can attract more leads with less effort, increase your sales, and have a bigger impact.

Head over here to get started

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